Hilary Mantel - Return to Wolf Hall


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Hilary Mantel - Return to Wolf Hall

This film takes us inside the imagination of Hilary Mantel, across a remarkable writing life, weaving together the stories, the themes, and the characters that appear in her work. We will see what she feels her journey has been from her first novel to the highly anticipated publication of The Mirror and the Light, the final novel in the Wolf Hall trilogy. The film offers an int...

发布于2020年。由Ian Denyer执导,集众多位彼得·考斯明斯金、莉迪亚·伦纳德、迪尔梅德·麦卡洛克、本·迈尔斯、内森奈尔·帕克、Hilary Mantel、Shiloh Coke、John Mullan等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2020-03-07(英國)公映的电影。


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Hilary Mantel - Return to Wolf Hall评价

  • O she is such a delight and inspiring writer for her living as a living in acts as of now. Lovely touch of reading clips in between, related or not, your call; just provoking eh.

  • 【我并不为自己作为女性作家的成功惊讶,我为自己作为工人阶级作家的成功而感到惊讶。】其实我觉得追溯一个作者的创作动机并无必要,作者在付梓那一瞬间就应该完成了和自身过往的割离,但Hilary显然已经排练过这样的交流心境。另,没想到英国也有村庄deliberately flooded,在生与死之间诞生出来的景观不管是实景还是自笔下,都是最迷人的。

  • 虽然b站上只能看其中的10分钟,但是我第1次看到这位作家在说话。他说我还想写最高质量的作品。他说我只活在16世纪的英国伦敦。

  • a站有英文字幕版,看了之后会更了解这部三部曲的作品。RIP,Dame Hilary Mantel.
