Sonata for Smoke


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  • 地区: 中国香港 / 日本
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Sonata for Smoke剧情内容介绍

Sonata for Smoke

How can we capture smoke, something that always escapes our grasp? One way is by sound. In Kyoto, the Hong Kong artist Samson Young sets the stage for a series of theatrical events to trigger the emission of smoke. A man holds a boom mic – often so close it singes – to record the aftermath.

发布于2022年。由Samson Young执导,并于2022-01-26(鹿特丹电影节)公映的电影。


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  • #IFFR51# Short & Mid-length: Artists' Moving Image。也是较少的关于录音师的影片,不过拍得着实有点无聊……三重破壁的设计还算行(最后一重不太行),但是全景机位摄影师的影子都露出来了给个反打很难么?
